Friday, August 19, 2016

Rainy Day Boxes for Kids Classrooms

By request...a few of my momma friends who have kids just entering school wanted some ideas for rainy day boxes. 
Here are my tips:
when you buy shoes over the summer or during the year I always save the sturdiest shoe box I purchase shoes in....
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Best lunch container for kids!

Back by popular is my favorite 🍴lunch containers for my kids. 
They are available on Amazon and they are the brand EasyLunchBoxes. These containers have a tight fitting lid and they fit in most lunch boxes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Transformation Tuesday

6 years ago, my husband bought a program called P90X 💪🏻from my sister Shawna Penney new Beachbody business.
At the time, I was a mom to 3 kids (Baby #4 was was still a dream) and had never even seen an informercial for P90X.
Every morning Shawn Novak would relentlessly wake up at 5:00 am and do his hour long workouts. I couldn't fathom doing this, as I was still being woken multiple times a night feeding number 3. 
Doesn't he look amazing? He has been able to maintain his P90X results over these last 6 years with various Beachbody programs but that program is what got those amazing abs and love for fitness.
As Shawn is preparing to complete another HUGE goal of running 👣his first (and probably only) Chicago Marathon he will enhance his training with doing another round to support his wife as I embark on my goal of doing this program (ps Happy Wedding 💍Anniversary today!!!!)

Recipe: the MOST AMAZING pancakes

Pancake lovers!
Sharing a recipe I stumbled up (quite literally as Tyler dumped an entire smoothie on his head, the floor, everywhere!!!!!).
They were delicious and kids gobbled them up!!!
TESTED & PERFECTED RECIPE - Fluffy on the inside, crispy on the outside, & delicately flavored with bananas, these are phenomenal banana pancakes.

My P90X Team...introducing these rockstars

I wanted to introduce you to the P90X 💪🏻team. 

This group of 👪 individuals...moms, dads, executives, nurses...busy people people just like YOU have all committed to doing a 90 Day Beachbody program P90X.

Our results will all greatly vary, all of us have different fitness backgrounds and goals. Our common area is we want to try to improve our flexibility, fitness and make some changes to our health while having FUN!
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P90X Fit Test

My journey with P90X 💪🏻begins TODAY (well technically Monday) with the fit test. 

What surprised me was how much flexibility, endurance and strength I lost by taking it easy this summer with my workout.

Before you begin a program (as painful as it is to see that tangible reminder) take your before pics (I'm keeping these a surprise till the end) and measurements so you can see what you 👏🏻ACCOMPLISHED!!

My 90 Day Challenge - NO JUNK

$3.48 is what it takes to continually sabotage my 🍩GOALS. How small of a price to pay for something so large!!

Not even talking physical goals but my desire to feel healthier? Have you ever noticed how sluggish you feel after you pound sugar? I made the decision to get rid of the junk (and yes, I may have eaten my way through the stuff sitting in the house).

I am committed to my no junk challenge (no working out...all you do is share what you eat)! Let me know if you would like to join my 21 day 🍒free group to help you stay accountable!! This is going to be a fantastic combination with my P90X group which begins this morning!!!