Tuesday, August 16, 2016

P90X ~ It's time for me!

It's time to pull out an oldie but a goodie. My hubby started his love for Beachbody at home workouts with the program P90X. I think I was pregnant or in between babies when he purchased so many years ago so it has never dawned on me to attempt this intense program. Honesty, I probably rolled my eyes when he purchased the DVDS from my sister as I didn't know what Beachbody was. And with our growing family I believed (incorrectly) that he was just wasting money.

Fast forward to NOW! With three children in school full day and my baby 4 years old it is time to take back my health and life and commit to an intense 90 day program that can really challenge me. 

So, here it goes. Start date is 8/8/16. I took before photos in my workout clothes and for a more realistic before in my bathing suit. Shows all the flaws but hopefully there will be some definition and toning in 90 Days. Here we go!!!

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