Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Week 1 of P90X wrapped up

My P90X team & I just wrapped up week 1 of our 90 Day Challenge!! 
I need some extra motivation for a marvelous (and busy) Monday, so my favorite organization TIP to give yourself a jumpstart for the next day is to layout your workout clothes so your prepared in morning. How often do you go to workout only to find your missing a critical item (yup that means getting all that laundry done)!!!
Some highlights from the week:
 challengers are surprised are quickly the 45-60 minute workouts go daily.
workouts are 6 days a week with 1 rest day. Abs are worked 3 times a week. 
The workouts range in difficulty and there is always a modification if a move is too challenging at first.
 you will feel AMAZING & super proud of what you accomplished!!!
Keep it up team!! Let's start a fantastic week 2!!!

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