Beachbody Coaching

Why did this stay at home mommy to four little kids decide to become a Beachbody Coach? It all started with my sister (and fellow Beachbody Coach) bringing me a bag of Shakeology to try. 
I was tired and overweight from having my fourth child and could barely get motivation to get up in the morning to take care of myself let alone eat healthy (food was whatever I could grab off the kids plates). And workout...forget BODY was tortured with just giving birth and felt like it would never be the same.

My journey began with trying the different flavors of Shakeology and falling IN LOVE with Greenberry Shakeology. Where have you been my whole life? Fast forward to months later when I got up the motivation to finally workout (life settled down when I got some sleep and he was about 12 months old but boy did I wish now that I started sooner. If only I had a Beachbody Coach telling me to just try). 

I took my before measurements, snapped this photo, strapped to me and started T25. It was so HARD but with the help of a Challenge Group I started up I had daily support and motivation to keep pushing play. 

Here is my T25 after! Look at how flat my belly is...finally! After 4 kids!
How to earn $$ with Beachbody
Who should your 1st Beachbody Coach Be?
WHY did I decide to become a Beachbody Coach?

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