Saturday, June 20, 2015

Diary of a 1/2 Marathon Training Mommy ~ Entry 1

Diary of a 1/2 Marathon Training Mommy Entry 1

I have been working hard this last month getting myself ready for my first 1/2 Marathon which is September 20th (Fox Valley). I started training when I completed the Beachbody Ultimate Reset Memorial Day weekend. My body was in tip-top shape from such a healthy diet and mentally I was ready to tackle something that was on my bucket list for awhile but pregnancies and recovery kept getting in the way. My littlest is now 3 years old so it is time to start tackling items that are important to me. 

Tip: sign up early for your races to take advantage of early bird price structure. I saved a nice chunk on the two races (yes, I am nuts, I also signed up for the November 8th Naperville Marathon). I like to do things BIG. Why do 1 when 2 is more fun?? 

I feel great because I have a solid training schedule in place and have 3 solid months left to train. I created a spreadsheet showing the 16 weeks I have for my training. My training began the week of May 31st and will conclude on race day! I built in time for plenty of running (long runs, short runs, speed work), cross training, strength training, pilates, yoga, core work and REST!! 

Thanks to the reset and the 21 Day Fix meal plan, I have my diet set and just continue to work on eating the veggies I will need to stay strong. 

Today I had to do something that was mentally nerve wracking for with a group. I am so most comfortable being myself with ear phones on and no one talking to me when I run (yes I am admitting that:). My sleep last night was horrible because I kept checking my alarm in my sleep. Finally at 3 am, I went to my daughter's empty bed (because she was in MY bed of course) with my phone and slept till 5 when I needed to get up. Not the best night sleep but it was a beautiful cool 55 degree morning. I had everything laid out the night before so all I had to do was brush my teeth and throw my clothes on. I can't eat breakfast or drink before I run so I set off at 5:20 for my 30 minute drive to the group meeting spot. Of course, I was one of the first people there so I warmed up and stretched. Then I just felt awkward because I didn't know anyone and stood around at the pace sign until it was time to take off at 6:30 am. 

I chose the 9 minute and 30 second pace group for the 6 mile run. I really wasn't sure what pace I should have chose but I figured that is a comfortable pace when I run on my own. It ended up being slightly too slow so a few runners and I had broke out from the pack and ran a 9 minute pace for the run. 

I am sore and tired but happy I accomplished an organized training run that is part of the actual course I will be running. 

My sweet daughter, Kaitlyn, left me this note, "This is Kaitlyn and mommy just did six, nine minute miles and I am so proud of her. She is a great mom and a great runner."

More later...wish me luck over the next few weeks of training! xoxo

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