Monday, December 21, 2015

Getting back into fitness s.l.o.w.l.y

It is so tough to get back into fitness after an extended break. After my 1/2 Marathon in November, I was burnt out. I knew I was going to be going on a not one but two vacations within that month (basically traveling the whole month of, I'm not a was for my husband's work and the second was a very fun family vacation). Add on the fact that our house was being renovated while we were gone (and when we returned) made it very tough to get back into working out. 

I barely worked out during the month of November and December. I am nursing a slightly injured foot which I believe is from wearing heels (which I never wear) on vacation.

So today is December 22nd. Time to take this week of Christmas to dedicate a 10 minute daily ab workout and a 30 minute body workout. I am sampling The Master Hammer & Chisel program which I officially begin on January 4th. 

I loaded up my fridge yesterday with yummy, fresh fruits and vegetables. I had a sugar binge (and Cherry Coke) over the weekend. I am going to try to eat 80% healthy and 20% sweet this week during the holiday. This is all part of my plan to slowly phase my body back into working out and eating extremely healthy when I start Hammer & Chisel.

Today's workout was the "bonus" DVD you receive when you purchase the program from me, a coach!! It is a fast paced 16 minute workout featuring both Sagi and Autumn. There are about 30 reps of each move, a quick break and then the next move. Everything is doable for a beginner or advanced fitness person. Since I am out of shape it was tougher (and especially tougher to see myself jiggling in my workout room mirrors). But I know that every step I take over these next two weeks will make my January 4th start better for me! 

I love picking a different ab workout daily from my Team Beachbody member library. Today's ab workout was Chalean Extreme Ab Burner.

Now, I am off to go make cookies with my kids...remember that 20% sweet:)

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