Monday, December 28, 2015

What is your WHY?

I often get asked where I get my motivation. I have many many reasons and the most truthful one is I don't like to feel my stomach over the top of my pants. After 4 kids, I have to work that core. 

Here are some more things that motivate me!

  • My kids are MY reason NOT my excuse
  • I want to stay as healthy as possible
  • Be proof for your family...they will support you if you continue!
  • I want my kids to grow up seeing that I love fitness and use fitness to stay healthy, feel good and look great! 
What is your WHY?

Saturday, December 26, 2015

On the LAST day of Fit-mas

On the LAST day of Fit-mas, I am giving YOU ME! Not as your ho-ho-ho (get your dirty minds out of the stocking Santa's). I am a FREE fitness coach. I don't have certifications (not yet anyways, that is a goal when Tyler is in school, Mommy will be getting some education too...well in addition to my Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Finance and a minor of Economics (not bragging well maybe alittle I worked very hard for that degree that I don't use anymore except for my personal use). 

So now that you realized I am NOT a fitness expert what value do I add? Well I love trying new things and will give you an honest opinion on what can or may not work for you. I can spend the $$$ so you can just get to the best product for you. I can recommend some fantastic products if you allow me. The best part is that I will provide you with motivation, inspiration and coaching when you pick me as your FREE Beachbody Coach. 

Go to and sign up for your free account today!!!

Hammer & Chisel Week 1 Meal Plan

I fall into Plan B of the Hammer & Chisel calorie charts. Here are the number of containers I am allotted each day:

  • 4 Green
  • 3 Purple
  • 4 Red
  • 3 Yellow
  • 1 Blue
  • 1 Orange
  • 4 Spoons
It is not the lowest calorie plan so I think this might be very doable for me. Here is what I have planned for this week.

  • Breakfast: 
    • Red: Greenberry Shakeology 
    • Purple 1/2 large banana
    • Purple frozen pineapple
  • Mid morning snack:
    • Red: Scrambled eggs 
    • Green: with spinach 
    • Yellow: toast
  • Lunch:
    • Yellow and Red: Baked Stuffed Sweet Potato
    • Green: salad
    • Purple: fruit on my salad
    • Blue: cheese
    • 1/2 Orange: pumpkin seeds
  • Snack: 
    • Green: veggie
  • Dinner: 
    • Red & 1/2 orange: Almond crusted chicken
    • Green: mixed veggies


  • Breakfast: 
    • Red: Greenberry Shakeology 
    • Purple 1/2 large banana
    • Purple frozen pineapple
  • Mid morning snack:
    • Yellow: Oatmeal 
    • Purple: with fruit
  • Lunch:
    • Green: mixed veggie soup
    • Green: veggie
    • Red: leftover almond chicken from Monday's dinner
  • Dinner: 
    • Green & Red: Egg & Veggie Frittata 
    • Blue: with cheese
    • Green: salad
    • (I think I am short a red or two here so I plan on having an extra frittata serving as I have a feeling I am going to really like it).

  • Breakfast: 
    • Red: Leftover fritta
    • Blue: with cheese
    • Green: peppers on the side
  • Lunch:
    • Red: Greenberry Shakeology 
    • Purple 1/2 large banana
    • Purple frozen pineapple
  • Snack:
    • Yellow: Edamame
    • Red & Yellow: Stuffed Sweet Potato
  • Dinner: 
    • Green, Red & Orange: Chili spiced chicken salad
    • Green: lettuce wraps

  • Breakfast: 
    • Red: Greenberry Shakeology 
    • Purple 1/2 large banana
    • Purple frozen pineapple
  • Snack:
    • Red: Hard boiled eggs
  • Lunch:
    • Green, Red & Orange: leftover chili spiced chicken salad
    • Green: lettuce wraps
  • Snack: 
    • Blue: cheese
    • Red: turkey slices
    • Yellow: crackers
  • Dinner: 
    • Red, Purple and some Green: Pineapple chicken skewers

  • Breakfast: 
    • Red: sausage
    • Red: egg
    • Blue: cheese
    • Yellow: english muffin
    • Green: spinach
  • Lunch:
    • Red: chicken
    • Green: salad
    • Orange: nuts
    • Purple: Fruit
  • Snack: 
    • Red: Greenberry Shakeology
    • Purple: 1/2 large banana
    • Purple: frozen pineapple
  • Dinner: 
    • Yellow: bread
    • Red: Turkey
    • Green: Lettuce

I haven't quite figured out Saturday and Sunday yet. I think I do need to stay on the plan but might be more spontaneous and not plan out Saturday and Sundays when doing my meal planning. This would be a good chance to use up the weekly leftovers and then get ready for the week and go grocery shopping. The more I think about it the more I like that idea! Done!

Stay tuned for how these recipes turn out and what adjustments I make.

Hammer & Chisel Meal Planning

I officially start Hammer & Chisel in about one week. I am so excited and when I do something I give it 100%! So that means I need to sit down and do some meal planning. 

In the meantime, I am going to finish cleaning out my pantry, fridge and freezer. Yes, that mean's finishing the frozen pizzas I have on hand, the hamburgers, beef and ice cream that has slowly crept their way into our house when our nutrition guards where done and old, bad eating habits were picked up. You know it's bad when my scale has a dead battery and I really don't care about replacing it. Yes, I am going to before H & C starts.

So on to the meal planning. I want results like the lady above has. So that means in addition to doing the workouts I need to follow the meal planning containers that the program calls for. So I need to pull the 21 Day Fix containers out of the pantry and wipe off the dust. 

I have a great week 1 menu planned with a mixture of the Fixate cookbook, H & C Nutrition Guide and Pinterest ideas. 

Stay tuned for the full weekly menu so you can get some great ideas for your meal planning too!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

On the 3rd day of Fit-mas

On the 3rd day of Fit-mas, I am recommending you do something special for yourself in 2016. Think of your health as a gift to yourself. What is that you want to do but maybe wouldn't consider because of the cost or time involved?

DREAM BIG!! My 2015 gift to myself was signing up for 2 1/2 marathon races. I planned out about 9 months in advance. This gave me plenty of time to train and properly plan. What is the big deal you ask? Well it is more than the expense of the race fees (about $100 each). You need to factor in massages, shoes (hmmm, that is a reminder for me to order my favorite pair of running shoes Asics Gel Kayano 20...find what shoe works for you!), a fun race shirt (check out my 1/2 marathon 1/2 crazy 13.1 shirt above), songs for running, massages (yup, I am a every other week girl) and other unexpected expenses that might crop up. 

My 2016 goal is to do a (gulp) marathon. No promises but that is my goal. Give yourself of planning. It is so much fun! 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

On the 4th day of Fit-mas

On the 4th day of Fit-mas, if your building your home gym, I highly recommend an expensive but much utilized purchase of adjustable weights and a STAND! You don't want to kill your back bending over. So glad my hubby got us one and I didn't veto that purchase (because I would have and then regretted it later).

What do I use my adjustable weights for? I'm glad you asked! My favorite program is BODY BEAST! It is one of the most affordable program at $40. Seriously you can't beat that. Check it out at

Ask Santa...we got ours on Amazon.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Getting back into fitness s.l.o.w.l.y

It is so tough to get back into fitness after an extended break. After my 1/2 Marathon in November, I was burnt out. I knew I was going to be going on a not one but two vacations within that month (basically traveling the whole month of, I'm not a was for my husband's work and the second was a very fun family vacation). Add on the fact that our house was being renovated while we were gone (and when we returned) made it very tough to get back into working out. 

I barely worked out during the month of November and December. I am nursing a slightly injured foot which I believe is from wearing heels (which I never wear) on vacation.

So today is December 22nd. Time to take this week of Christmas to dedicate a 10 minute daily ab workout and a 30 minute body workout. I am sampling The Master Hammer & Chisel program which I officially begin on January 4th. 

I loaded up my fridge yesterday with yummy, fresh fruits and vegetables. I had a sugar binge (and Cherry Coke) over the weekend. I am going to try to eat 80% healthy and 20% sweet this week during the holiday. This is all part of my plan to slowly phase my body back into working out and eating extremely healthy when I start Hammer & Chisel.

Today's workout was the "bonus" DVD you receive when you purchase the program from me, a coach!! It is a fast paced 16 minute workout featuring both Sagi and Autumn. There are about 30 reps of each move, a quick break and then the next move. Everything is doable for a beginner or advanced fitness person. Since I am out of shape it was tougher (and especially tougher to see myself jiggling in my workout room mirrors). But I know that every step I take over these next two weeks will make my January 4th start better for me! 

I love picking a different ab workout daily from my Team Beachbody member library. Today's ab workout was Chalean Extreme Ab Burner.

Now, I am off to go make cookies with my kids...remember that 20% sweet:)

On the 5th day of Fit-mas

On the 5th day of Fit-mas, I hope Santa brings you the Club Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge pack. 

What I like about this challenge pack is you get some great products:
1) 3 Day Refresh Kit (great to curb some bad habits you may have picked up over the holiday)
2) Shakeology ($130 value) 
3) access to Team Beachbody's library of workout videos to stream over $4,000 value!

I use my Team Beachbody club membership daily when I am challenging myself with the workout of the day or a new ab workout. Great for those that like to vary it up! Have you heard of the club membership? It has access to tons of your favorite Beachbody workouts (and every single program you buy is loaded on it for you to stream), sneak peeks of new workouts and a daily workout du jour. Best thing is you can get 30 days free if you want to try. Ask me how or sign up at

Club Kickstart and Shakeology® Challenge Pack
Item #: ClubKickCPUS
You save $55 with this pack compared to buying each item separately. Limited Time Only!
Kick-start your transformation—inside and out!
In today's world, results can't come fast enough—unless you Kickstart them! This triple threat gives you everything you need for an accelerated, total-body makeover.
Begin with the 3-Day Refresh® to finally break the cycle of bad eating habits and lose a few pounds fast. Then, choose a fitness program by logging on to Beachbody® On Demand. Make sure you keep drinking Shakeology daily after the three days are over. That way, you'll keep losing weight and fuel up with the energy you'll need to take on P90X®, INSANITY®, 10-Minute Trainer®, or any of the Beachbody On Demand programs in the Member Library.
Used together, this three-way nutritional and fitness powerhouse will put you on the fast track to the best possible results—and help you complete your transformation!
You get everything you need to get your best results:
  • 3-Day Refresh Kit to kick-start your weight loss, break the cycle of unhealthy eating, and lose a few pounds fast.
  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerates your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct.*
  • Unlimited 90-day access to Beachbody On Demand—so you can choose a world-class fitness program and stream hundreds of workouts on-the-go, wherever you go!
  • A 90-day Premium membership to the Team Beachbody Club, where you'll find all the support you'll need to get amazing results. **
  • Super Discount shipping (SAVE OVER $12) every month.
You will have the option to choose your Shakeology flavor once you click the Buy Now button below.
Buy Now
Your Price: $180.00USD

Baking subsitutions

Christmas to me is all about having cookies and cocoa on the morning of. Not great for the waistline (and why I purposely am starting Hammer and Chisel after the holidays). But I still want to enjoy the traditional sweets. This information couldn't have come at a better day as the kids and I have a big baking day ahead of us. I might have to try a few swaps if I have the ingredients.

Baking substitues

Sunday, December 20, 2015

On the 6th day of Fit-mas

On the 6th day of Fit-mas, I am recommending Beachbody's B-line resistance bands. I personally own these and I love how they have lasted through the test of time. I have had them for 2 years and they haven't cracked or split. Great buy at

If you don't have weights or not ready to invest in them this is a great alternative to a weight set. They are quick and easy to use. 

B-LINES Band Kits
Item #: BLINEBandKits
Resistance bands have been proven to help you burn fat and tone lean muscle faster. Just as effective as free weights, resistance bands are much more portable and convenient, so you can work out anytime, anywhere. And with increasing levels of resistance, you can keep ramping up your workout as you get into better and better shape.
Choose your B-Lines kit:
Your Price: $39.95USD

On the 7th day of Fit-mas

On the 7th day of Fit-mas, I am adding something that looks naughty!!! I am very curious about these hanging ab straps. Don't get the wrong idea...I want to work my abs peeps (I don't know what you thought they were going to be for!). Since I have been nice I might consider these. Available at

Hanging Ab Straps
Item #: HangingAbStraps
Go beyond crunches and get more complete ab toning with the Hanging Ab Straps. Vertical abdominal training allows you to maximize your efforts by using your body's own resistance to isolate and fire your abs like nothing else.
Add Hanging Ab Straps (set of 2) to your cart:
Your Price: $29.85USD

Friday, December 18, 2015

On the 8th day of Fit-mas

On the 8th day of true love brought this to me early.... my support group is starting January 4th, 2016. Who doesn't want to kick off 2016 fit, lean and strong? Challenge group is on special this December for $160.

I am also offering a $25 gift card after your completion of the program (contact me for full details)!

You save over $80 with this pack compared to buying each item separately. Limited time only! That means when you buy Shakeology and The Master's Hammer and Chisel in this Challenge Pack, it's like getting The Master's Hammer and Chisel for just $30. 
It's a fact—crafting a "masterpiece" physique takes the right combination of fitness and nutrition. And with The Master's Hammer and Chisel and Shakeology Challenge Pack, you'll get an innovative resistance-training system designed to help you build a strong, sculpted body along with Shakeology, the ultra-premium nutritional shake that can help you stay healthy and reach your fitness goals even faster.
You can even start streaming The Master's Hammer and Chisel workouts because your Challenge Pack includes 30 days of FREE access to Beachbody® On Demand!
You get everything you need to get your best results:
  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology—the superfood protein shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings, and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct, our monthly autoship program.*
  • The Master's Hammer and Chisel program, featuring 12 hardcore workouts, a set of 7 portion-control containers, a shaker cup, and theProgram and Nutrition Guide with your simple, customizable nutrition plan that will help you reach your unique fitness goals.
  • A FREE 30-Day Trial Membership in the Team Beachbody® Club, so you can start streaming The Master's Hammer and Chisel workouts, and hundreds of other proven Beachbody workouts, plus find all the support you need to succeed in your challenge. After your 30-Day Trial Membership is up, do nothing and you will be billed quarterly for Club Membership, which you may cancel at any time.**
  • Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month.
If you choose not to take advantage of your FREE Trial Membership in the Team Beachbody Club, you may remove it from your Challenge Pack at checkout. This will not, however, change the price you pay today, and you will lose streaming access to The Master's Hammer and Chisel and more than $4,000 in additional workouts.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

On the 9th Day of Fit-mas

I think Autumn Calabrese made this shirt for me. Who wouldn't want their treat after they workout? If I had a shirt like this I would maybe think twice before I ate that cookie as I would be getting a constant reminder while I am doing those burpees! Available at

AC for Beachbody Earned Tank
Item #: ACWEarnedTank
You're not afraid of hard work. But life is no fun without a little reward, so do what Autumn does—give it your all, then wear this tank proudly and let 'em know "I did it all for the cookie."
Size Chart
Select Your Color and Size:
Your Price: $24.00USD

At the end of a long, grueling shoot for one of her most popular workout programs, Autumn joked that she "did it all for the cookie." She earned it, and now she wants you to enjoy the same healthy balance. Is there a better feeling than slipping out of a sweaty sports bra into a soft tank that shows off all that hard work? Not when you're also enjoying a delicious treat!

On the 2nd day of Fit-mas

On the 2nd day of Fit-mas, here is another item you should add to your Santa wish list. I love my medicine balls and rack. They don't collect dust and you can do lot's of different moves with them. Once again, I am a huge Amazon shopper and we purchased it on there. Not a first investment but if you already have some workout equipment I would consider this for your wish list. 

Here is me doing my favorite "ball" move. Easy for a beginner and great for working your core!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What to get for Fit-mas

Stay tuned for my daily Christmas recommendations (or great for anytime of the year).

On the 10th day of Christmas, I am recommending Beachbody Performance Sampler Pack. It is available at for $19.95.

My curiosity with this performance line is peeked because of the slogan It is supposed to lean you out and enhance your workouts. Who doesn't want post workout soreness? I have to admit I am curious so rather than spending $ on the whole set I recommend trying this inexpensive performance sampler pack.

I heard Santa whisper he is stuffing a sampler pack for Shawn and I in our stockings this year...shhh!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

H & C Deluxe workout for 15 minute legs

I have noticed that I spend so much time working on my arms that my legs and abs have needed a little extra attention. So I decided to begin my workouts with my 10 minute ab workouts until 2016 (I love Beachbody On Demand because I can pick a different workout from my laptop every messing with DVDs). Today was 21 Day Fix 10 minute abs.

I also have been DYING to preview the new Masters Hammer & Chisel (I officially begin on 1/4/16). In my effort to have a great workout week, I decided to try out the Deluxe (bonus workouts) that I purchased. Today was 15 minute legs (it was actually 20 minutes with the warm up and cool down).

I found that you do not need to modify this program. It is appropriate for any fitness level. You need a medicine ball or a weight. I used a 4 lb weight as I didn't have any idea what the moves where. This ball was TOO light. Thankfully I have a large assortment of medicine balls so next time I will go higher in weight.

The workout included front lunges and reverse lunges, squats, sumo squats, side lunges and some stability and core moves. This program was lead by Sagi.

Did I sweat? Yup...and I didn't plan to as I was being lazy and working out in my living room with my pjs on. I had to take off my pajama shirt while working out so hopefully my blinds were closed LOL!

Off for a healthy breakfast off fruit!

Have a great day! xoxo

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Masters Hammer & Chisel Group

I'm calling YOU...are you waiting for your sign? Do you need to start your 2016 with a fresh goal, a new program, exciting trainers and someone who can help you for 60 days? If so, you NEED to invest in yourself and give yourself the gift of your health and the courage to try something new. 

Contact me today if you would like to be apply to be in my 2016 60 day challenge. You won't regret it.

What are you thankful for?

Today at a Christmas party we had to go around the table and say something we were excited or thankful for. I am obviously thankful for things that I pray will never change but these are NOT the things that I said...I don't really like speaking in public. HERE is what I COULD have said:

  • my health
  • my family and children's health
  • financial freedom to be a stay at home mom
  • running my own small business as a motivational coach and inspiring others
  • meeting some of my own goals this year such as running a 1/2 marathon not once but twice and achieving a personal record!
  • enjoying a trip with my hubby this year
  • taking a wonderful vacation with my immediate and extended family and friends
  • being creative and re-finishing my cabinets all myself when I couldn't even open a paint can (and then fixing my 10 year old home a facelift with some other cosmetic changes)
I don't like tooting my own horn that is why I couldn't say those things. 

But I know my role is raising my kids and that is what I am doing right now. Therefore, my kids goals are mine for the next 18 years. Until then I am trying not to lose sight of who I am. I accomplish this by taking care of myself which leads to me taking care of my kids. That is my WHY for being a Beachbody coach. When the time comes and my kids don't need me anymore I will be strong, fit and ready to concur whatever my goals are. Whatever they might be at that time...What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 30, 2015

Masters Hammer & Chisel Base Kit vs. Deluxe Kit

Portion-control containers + workouts
12 hardcore workouts on 6 DVDs
Efficient 30- to 40-minute resistance-training workouts that will help you build muscle, sculpt incredible definition, and lose weight for a strong, visually stunning physique.
7 color-coded, portion-control containers
Whether you want to lean out, sculpt and maintain what you have, or build more muscle, you don’t need complicated meal plans to reach your goals. With 7 color-coded, portion-control containers, this is one nutrition plan that’s easy to follow.
The Master’s Hammer and Chisel Program and Nutrition Guide
A comprehensive guide that shows you how to use your portion-control containers and nutrition plan. Also includes easy-to-make recipes and expert tips from Sagi and Autumn on how to get the most out of your workouts.
Quick-Start Guide
Your simple 3-step blueprint for building the body you’ve always wanted.
60-Day Workout Calendar
For efficient and effective training, the order of your workouts matters. With this calendar, Sagi and Autumn have you covered for the next 60 days. Also includes your Nutrition Plan “cheat sheet” and Food Lists on the back!
Deluxe Kit
In addition to everything featured in the Base Kit, you get an 8-lb. medicine ball along with 4 advanced workouts designed around this piece of equipment. You’ll also receive an extra set of 7 color-coded containers for more convenient meal planning and cleanup.

Back from vacation and how many pounds later????

I had a wonderful, amazing vacation but I didn't do some things I normally do! What was missing? My daily workouts and my health shake (Shakeology). I had been doing tons of training and deep down I knew my body needed a big break from workouts so I used my long vacation (12 days) as a chance to recuperate. I now feel stronger and ready to come back.

Thank goodness my timing is immaculate because Beachbody is launching a brand new program called Master's Hammer & Chisel. You know I will be all over this! Stay tuned for my daily updates on the program.

PS...I am not even home yet so I haven't dared weigh myself or take any measurements. Eek!!!

Releasing tomorrow!

The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is a new resistance-training system that incorporates three muscle-sculpting phases – Stabilization, Strength, and Power – or SSP Training. This is how co-creators and expert trainers, Autumn and Sagi help you efficiently build, chisel, and refine a masterpiece physique in just 60 days.

What is Master's Hammer & Chisel

The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is a new resistance-training system that incorporates three muscle-sculpting phases – Stabilization, Strength, and Power – or SSP Training. This is how co-creators and expert trainers, Autumn and Sagi help you efficiently build, chisel, and refine a masterpiece physique in just 60 days.

RELEASING TOMORROW!! Master's Hammer & Chisel

I for one am super excited for this program to be released TOMORROW, December 1st, 2015. I am coming back from a 12 day vacation with an extremely bloated stomach from not drinking my Shakeology (totally guilty of indulging and leaving it in my suitcase...what happened to me!!!) and NOT working out barely at all!!! This is just the motivation I need to resume my daily workouts and continue my fitness for the end of 2015 and start off 2016 on a great note.

Who is going to join me?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tips for beginner 1/2 Marathoners

Are you a beginner when it comes to longer distance races? Looking for some great tips and ideas on how you can make the most out of your 13.1 miles? I'm here to help with my best tips, from one beginner to the NEXT!

First, a little background so you can get to know ME! I have run my whole life. I participated in Cross Country and Track and continued to run for fitness and emotional enjoyment throughout life. But somewhere down the road, I thought I would like to try to tackle a LONGER race. Get the kleenex box out because I DO remember the moment when I added it to my bucket list. It was after my 4 baby was born and I tried to run around the block and literally couldn't. 40 pounds overweight, a messed up pelvis and problems with my body, discouraged because I didn't have time for ME and overwhelmed with taking care of four little bodies I thought someday I will do do this. It took two years but I made my way back from the ground up. I started so slow, used Beachbody programs, eased my way back into running (and slowly easing up the anxiety and overwhelming feeling of four children). This meant getting my confidence back with neighborhood runs, 5Ks, a 15K and then FINALLY the 1/2 Marathon.

 So I am hoping that my tips will help you prepare for your first big race!

The 1/2 Marathon I picked was locally, in Naperville, IL. 

TIP #1... pick a race that is close to you so it is easier all around. You are going to have to pick up the race packet the day before so you don't want to have to travel too far for the pick up. I made packet pick up into a fun day for my son as they had a trolley we got to ride.

TIP #2...If you are an anxious person like me prepare to not sleep well. Before any big event I need a sleep aid like Simply Sleep or Tylenol PM to help me calm my nerves AND even then I still woke up multiple times and because I had little kids in my bed. I would shove them over so they didn’t kick me and woke up some to go to the bathroom so they didn’t have an accident in my bed. The joys of motherhood. Life doesn’t stop because I have a race in the morning. Try to do what you can to get rest the week of the race so you feel well rested.

TIP #3 Outfit preparation! I think I changed my outfit a million times during the week. The problem was the weather was 70 degrees and then 50 degrees and finally on race morning about 20-30 degrees. I did find some nice warm clothes at Old Navy so I decided on that outfit at the last minute. The race gave us some disposable gloves and jacket which I also donned during the race. Make sure you have multiple options in case the weather is unpredictable and do a trial run in your choices so you can make sure nothing rides up or feels funny when your running.

Bonus tip! Make sure you check your shoes BEFORE you start your training. I ran two 1/2 marathons basically back to back (with about a month or so in between). I discovered my shoes were too worn a week or so before the next race. I should have replaced them right after the first 1/2 marathon but didn't take the time to look. Remember to replace your shoes every 300 miles or as needed.

TIP some ratty gloves, hats, jackets or shirts that you can wear to the race and then toss when you get warm. The race collectors typically collect them and donate them. You stay warm and you don't have to lose an expensive piece of clothing. OR the Dollar Store sells gloves and hats if you don't have any old ones. I also was given one of these disposable coats to wear till the start of the race. 

TIP #5...Your FANS! This was the first race that I was in that my kids and husband would be at cheering me on so of course I wanted to do better than normal because they were watching me. The kids made signs for me the day before and I was eager to see their artwork. Knowing I had my loved ones cheering me helped me. I couldn’t believe my pace for the first 8 miles (in a good way!) I was killing it !!! I started in the 8 minute average pace group but even being at the back of the group the pace was a lot faster than that. 

Bonus TIP: Remember the pace groups are just an average time so make sure you use your own tracker on your smartphone or watch. I like the app Endomondo which is FREE and accurate. It tells me the pace per mile and my hubby can send me encouraging messages which come across in a robotic voice which makes me laugh. 

TIP #6....What do you need for an extra boost? My two favorite things about the race were my kids at mile 8 waiting for me. I was about to give them a hug but they were like, “no keep going” and they proceeded to run with me till the end of the block. Mile 8 was when it was starting to get tough so that was exactly the motivation I needed. I kept thinking in my head, “my kids are my REASON and NOT my EXCUSE.” 

Aren't they adorable running with me. It might have slowed me down but it filled my heart with so much love!

I was completely drained and numb from mile 9-13. I could barely push through but I thought as long as I am running I am still accomplishing my goal which has always been to just finish. I am researching why I felt drained for the last 5 miles...not sure if it was because I ran so much faster than I did in my training (maybe some more sprints next time), more hills in this course than I was used to (note to self add hills to my next training program), or maybe a need for longer runs.

My kids had planned to run the last 1/2 mile with me and I was so looking forward to this moment. They are everything to me and having two of the four run through the finish brought tears to my eyes as they saw that Mommy is able to accomplish goals while raising them and I know they were very proud of me!

BONUS TIP: Never stop considering what you can do better. Even if you have run your whole life you can still give yourself notes to improve. 

By the way…did I mention the whole reason I signed up for the second 1/2 Marathon was because there was a super big medal involved:) Think of your motivation during your race and while running as it will help you visualize crossing the finish line.

TIP #7: Visualization and practicing your finish! I made sure to practice sprinting towards the end of each run I did so I could use that oomp to get me to the finish line. I pictured them calling my name, putting the medal around my neck and the satisfaction I would get from finishing my goal.

TIP #8 When the race is done the tips don't stop. Take the blanket they hand out at the end. Your body heat quickly drops after your done running and it does help to keep you warm. It is usually a silly foil like wrap but it does the job. I typically get rid of mine AFTER the massage.

BONUS TIP: Don't forget to grab food from the post race tent. You will be hungry after the excitement is over and they don't allow you back into the tent for goodies. 

TIP #9 MASSAGE! Hurry over the massage and stretching tent early as the lines do tend to get really long. And be sure to schedule a real massage for a few days later. Some experts say to do it that day but I couldn't handle the long massage until a few days later.

A few miscellaneous training tips that were really helpful for this race:

Beachbody at home programs such as T25. I didn’t run out of breath for this race and I credit it to the T25 program. I did 2 weeks of it the week before the race. I probably should have gotten in a few more miles outside but the weather was very cold and my husband was out of town which made it tough.

Second, being prepared. I had my stuff, the kids gear (winter hats, coats, shoes), race gear and everything I needed put in the car and laid out of ahead of time. That is what keeps me focused and not stressed. Preparation in every aspect of the race from start of the training to finish kept me on track. Also, thankful for a wonderful hubby that is so supportive! 

So...what's next on my goal list????? Can you say beginner's guide to doing a Marathon???