Friday, October 2, 2015

Hammer & Chisel: ISO Speed Hammer Review

I am pretty sore from yesterday (but in a good way) and my cold is still not gone but I do feel much better after a good night sleep so that means it is time to push PLAY! Today I am previewing the Hammer & Chisel, ISO Speed Hammer. The title reminds me of a T25 workout just from the title BUT it is NOT a Cardio workout!!!
 The first few words out of Sagi's mouth for the workout, ISO Speed Hammer, were you are going to sweat so hard. I was not planning on sweating today. Don't worry! While it is a very effective and tough workout I did not sweat! My heart rate did go up. One of my favorite things about Body Beast was that I did not sweat as I was lifting weights. 

The workout is 24 minutes. The purpose of the workout is to keep the tension on the muscle as long as you can so you can increase strength. There is Sagi, a guy and 2 girls (yes girls finally) in this video (if you recall from Body Beast he only has guys).

Here are the workout moves:
static lunges (these burned so bad)
chin ups (modifier is available)
side lateral raise
sumo squat
rear delt cross fly (done on a bench or a ball)
pistol squat - these were really tough and I actually didn't finish I don't know if I was really sore from yesterday or my cold was getting the best of me but I just couldn't do it!
bicep curls (with bench or a ball)
calf raises
tricep kickbacks

I like that Beachbody added a fast forward and back button so you can pause and go in minute increments if you need breaks.The equipment needed is a resistance band, weights, a bench or a ball and a mat. The first 5 minutes are stretches with a resistance band and the last few minutes are a cool down. 

After having done two of the workouts that are available as sneak peaks, I feel like this is a Body Beast part 2 series which makes me extremely happy. I am plan on buying this the second it comes out in December and starting an accountability group. If you would like me to help you please let me know!!!

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