Thursday, October 29, 2015

T25 Day 4

What I really like is this is turning into a HABIT. I am really enjoying my morning 7:30 am workouts. Today I was up at 5:30 am and ready to rock and roll. This didn't mean that I jumped right up and worked out Nope, I got to spend time snuggling with my kiddies and reading books to them. Since it was such an early start I was able to start my workout before they even left for the bus and they were my BIGGEST cheerleaders today.
Ab Intervals was another fun workout that I was able to consistently workout on tightening my core. I am kinda kicking myself because I didn't start this sooner. I think this is the missing link. 

If you follow my life, you know I am game for trying almost anything. I run like crazy, have tried to maintain a healthy eating plan (gulp) and will try every single new Beachbody workout that comes out.
My biggest fear in starting T25 (actually two fears) was that it would be too hard (and I hate admitting that something is too difficult for me) and that it was too much impact.

I am here today to tell YOU that it CAN be done. You don't have to be all INSANE like Shaun T. I am modifying probably about 70% of these workouts so I don't have too much impact to my body (remember 1/2 marathon in 1 week...gulp again). I feel my core (yes, I don't really know how to tighten my core but I am trying) getting slightly tighter. 
Towards the end of the day I was getting really lazy! I decided it was time to just DO IT. So while the kids opened a brand new lego set (thanks Mom!!) I hit PLAY on my second workout of the day, Beta Dynamic Core. I didn't know what to expect (come up after 2 years I cannot remember a thing about these workouts) and thought it would be brutal. Another pleasant surprise when I found I could do these moves (remember I am modifying). 

AS you can see from this video I cannot get my legs straight and my form is probably wrong but I am TRYING every day and that is all that COUNTS!

Stay tune for tomorrow, DAY 5! xoxo Coach Kristina

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