Saturday, January 9, 2016

Day 6: Hammer & Chisel

Day 6 (of 60 that's right) and I wanted to share some information that I hope will help you!

First, if you have a piece of equipment in your house collecting dust now is the time to use it. I love warming up (and catching up on my favorite tv shows) while walking on my treadmill. I am logging miles that I wouldn't otherwise have since the weather here is not ideal for being outside.
 Your station...I love seeing my progress on a monthly chart. I keep the calendar and track how many miles I walk as well as use the Beachbody tracking sheets with the cute clipboards (blue for hubby and pink for me!).

Water!Water is so important. If I keep up with my water intake I find I am not hungry or having cravings. 

Today's workout was Chisel Endurance and it was TOUGH!! Autumn's turn today and it was 2 sets of torture. The first set included about 10 moves and then when we were done we repeated it. It was only 34 minutes but it felt like a lot longer. This could be because I was not well rested which leads me to my next bit of advice.

REST...if I sleep good my body feels good and I am ready to work out. Looking forward to some good sleep tonight so I am ready to tackle tomorrow.

Almost done with week 1!

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