Full confession...last night after I finished folding and putting away my last load of laundry at 10:00 pm I took a quick bath, started to read my book in bed and realized I was starving. STARVING! Reminded me of the days when I was pregnant (and I promise I am not and will never be again in the future) and my stomach would be growling for food in the middle of the night.
I realized I needed some food before bed so I cut up a small apple, topped with peanut butter and a 1/2 sandwich thin (also with peanut butter). Now that my stomach is content I can go read my book again and then go to sleep.
If your wondering why I don't bump up a calorie bracket is because I am feeling full with the one I am in. I just need to add a few things daily (such as extra fruits or such). Yesterday, I actually went -2 in purples and -.5 in yellow. But remember, I have 4 kids I am chasing and carting around and extra workouts that I do. So...there is no simple answer on what will be right for each person. You need to tailor the program to fit you. Now that doesn't mean go have 4 donuts it means listen to your body and feed it as appropriate.
Followers have asked me where I get my motivation when I have already reached my goal weight and am slender. My motivation comes from within. I want to maintain my weight and I cannot do that if I indulge in thrice weekly blizzards from Dairy Queen (yup, truth!! I had it three times last week). I also find that my workouts are at peak performance if I eat better. And I feel great!!! My favorite motto to remember is, "People are going to judge you anyways so be yourself and forget everyone else!!!" I do this for ME!
Today was a great day to roll back over and go to bed but I dragged myself out with my eyes still closed and turned on Pilates. Thankfully this is a workout you can do in your pjs. In my head I was thinking it was going to be super easy and it quickly got intense and I was awake! This is one of those workouts you can improve every time because you can work on tightening your core more and breathing proper.
It was about 9 before I finally got a chance to eat. So late!! Summer is throwing a crimp in my schedule!
Breakfast~Egg, Tomato and Spinach Scramble
- 2 large egg
- dash of milk
- 1 pinch himalayan salt
- 1 cup fresh baby spinach
- 1 green (spinach)
- 1 red (eggs)
I just combined the milk, eggs and salt and wished. Then I heated 1 tsp olive oil on medium-low heat. I added spinach and tomatoes and cooked for 1 minute. Then I added the egg mixture and stirred frequently until the eggs were done.
I discovered I don't like my spinach cooked and prefer it raw. So top your eggs on a bed of spinach or if you like it cooked try my above recipe.
Lunch: mini pizzas (almost as good as V&V Paseano's in Bartlett but hold the cherry coke I would normally have):
- 1 green (spinach) Note: I used such little sauce that I didn't count it. Mainly veggie sauce anyways
- 1 purple (mixed berries)
It's weird...I wasn't hungry at lunch but then afterwards I was starving. I had an attack of the chocolate munchies this afternoon so I tried to satisfy the craving to eat the whole house with a zucchini muffin and an apple with goodies. Didn't help so making my delicious Shakeology (should have started with this duh). This was a "girl attack" of wanting to eat the whole house!
- 1 red (Greenberry Shakeology)
- 1 purple (banana and frozen fruit)
My snack was so big that I am not hungry here at 6:40 pm. But I have the house alone to myself, my son is sleeping and kids are at softball so I need to eat. I am thinking the healthiest option is a salad; however, I didn't share what my darling, sweet hubby did!! He brought home my favorite Rocky Mountain Taffy Apples. You know I am not passing those up. I really wrestled with so many things:
a) eat them all up (there are 4...just kidding, I wouldn't eat 4 apples, people)
b) have one for dinner (nope! not the choice)
c) not have any at all (really, then you don't know me at all!!)
d) have a sensible dinner and then enjoy one!! Hey, at least it is fruit, right? Doesn't that count for something?
Seriously, in life you need to enjoy the little things. My hubby was sweet enough to surprise me after being gone all week so if I don't eat it he will never bring me stuff home again or be offended. Since my goal is to eat healthy and not lose weight I am going to indulge and call it good!! Stay tuned for my confessions of a REAL Beachbody Coach coming soon!!!!
- 1 green (spinach)
- 1/4 purple (raspberries)
- 1 red (crockpot chicken left over from yesterday)
Day 4 was a very REAL day for me in the life of eating. You have good days and bad days! This was a day where I am happy I had my greens at least.
xoxo Coach Kristina
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