Friday, July 3, 2015

Diary of a 1/2 Marathon Training Mommy ~ Entry 2

Here is a peak of two weeks into my training. 

Sunday~I was soooo sore after my Saturday run of 6 miles. I took a rest day and since it was Father's Day took all my kiddies to swimming lessons and let hubby go for his own long run. I tried doing Cardio Fix at night but it was a disaster. Start/stop/start/ least I (kinda) accomplished it. Sometimes with kids you just have to do the best you can.

Monday~I woke up refreshed and ready to rock. This morning was my early wake up before the kids day since it was their first day of church camp. I popped out of bed at 6:15, got ready for the day and was the out the door by 7. It was a recovery, very easy 2 mile run (but sweaty from the humidity). I am working on easing my sore muscles from long Saturday run. After my run, my plan was to dart in the basement to do Body Beast. I should do legs but I only have time for a 30 minute workout so I have to pick a different body part...arms it is EXCEPT my hubby was doing P90X3 Challenge so I decided to try the pushups and modified pull-ups. 
Tuesday~cross training is important. I picked 21 Day Fix Pilates to stretch those muscles and Body Beast 30 minute chest workout. I am going to miss doing Body Beast when I finish in two weeks.

Wednesday~beautiful cool morning 3 mile run...27 minutes. I am working on varying my pace.

Thursday~Body Beast arms...have to work those triceps and biceps! My car has a flat tire or a leaky tire...all I know is that the light is on and needs service. I am lucky that the Toyota dealership is now 3 miles from my house so Tyler and I packed up in the running stroller and we took a hot and sweaty run home.


Saturday~21 Day Fix Pilates. Time to stretch those muscles and work the core.

Sunday~4 mile run which always feels great!

Monday~21 Day Fix Pilates. I should have done yoga but I fall into a routine and wanted to do it again.

Tuesday~One of my favorite workouts is the Body Beast arm workout. Felt great to work the biceps and triceps!

Wednesday~I realized I hadn't worked my legs all month! It is the workout I put off the most and should be doing to strengthen my glutes and IT Bands. I was sore the minute I finished working out. I need to get better and doing my leg workouts. 

Thursday~Core Class at my local Lifetime gym. My sister invited me as a guest and I was ready to mix it up. The only problem was that my legs were killing after Body Beast yesterday and by nighttime I really felt the aches and pains set in. A nice warm bath eased the soreness.

Friday~3 mile run slow and easy run in 30 minutes early before my kids were awake. Then we tried the 21 Day Fix recipe for pancakes. Stay tuned for my blog posts for the recipe and what we thought.

A great two weeks of training! The informative part is looking back and realizing I did too much Pilates (if there is such a thing)!!

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