Saturday, May 30, 2015

Color RUN 2015

Today my little girls joined me in something their Mommy has LOVED to do her whole life. I started running when I joined the track team at Visitation School. Honestly, I didn't have any skills for other sports. I tried volleyball, basketball, softball and cheerleading. I was one of those little girls that were not very athletic, thin and very gawky and uncoordinated. Those were some rough years!!).

How do I prepare for an early morning run with kids who have to be dragged out of bed? My making them and myself breakfast for the road! No McD or donuts for us!
I discovered something that I was actually good (okay decent at). I felt like I was soaring and didn't have a care in the world. This love of running is what kept me centered during high school and college. I would put my headphones and shoes on and could run away my troubles or enjoy a beautiful day.
So TODAY my two eldest and I put on our oldest running shoes and prepared to get MESSY. My oldest was crying as soon as she had some color packets on her. She just couldn't handle the mess (my doing as she was kept in a bubble as a baby....woops). My second was in her glory and was so eager to lead the pack. 

 Some one likes to play with the color!


Regardless they both tried their best which is all a Mom could ever ask. I was very proud of them and they were proud of themselves which is even better.

Looking forward to next year!

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