Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ultimate Reset ~ Day 17

Day 17 and today I feel like I am rocking this! I am getting so close to the end. 

I thought I would share some side effects, pros and cons and what I wish I did on the reset today.

Side effects of the Reset:
  • Feel great! Amazing! 
  • Try new foods.
  • Eat clean, organic, homemade food
  • Influence those around you who might be looking for a change!
  • I actually saved $$ on my grocery bill by using up items I had already bought in my pantry, freezer and fridge.
  • No more "quick" drive throughs for ice cream, donuts or treats
  • I did not have one stomachache or headache on the reset
***Cons (actually all of these can be turned into Pros):
  • No more drive throughs for ice cream, donuts or treats. I didn't realize how often I do that till I was forced to stop.
  • I craved my sweets. That is why I really tried to eliminate them as much as possible. As the days have gone on I am craving some things but not all of them that I used to so I think this reset was extremely beneficial in changing my taste buds.
  • My kids didn't necessarily like trying new things. Actually some of my kids were willing to accept the challenge. 
  • The kit was expensive but I am worth the investment in myself. I will be paying myself back a million times with the new foods I eat and new lifelong habits
  • I was freezing all the time! The weather here has been sporadic at best with some days 80 degrees and others 50 degrees so no wonder my poor body couldn't keep up. I did find I was more cold than others though.

***Here are the foods I am excited to eat:

  • Saturday (this is actually day 20 one day before the big finish)~ I am going to a Pitch Perfect movie party. I bought some really good chocolate toffee from Whole Foods. I have eaten the whole bar in the past. I want to NOT do this but I am ok if I do. In the future though I either want to have a clean eating week. I also think I would like Swedish Fish. Is there anyone else like me who plans their food out ahead of time? Just like every aspect in my life I plan out what and when I am going to eat stuff.
  • Pizza ~ locals can relate when they hear I want V&V Paseano's pizza & a cherry coke. I am going to buy ONE cherry coke bottle and only have that. I am not going to buy a case because this is going to be a special thing. Pizza & pop just okay together, am I right about that?
  • Barbecue dinner at a new place, The Smoking Pit that just opened in my town. I am excited to have this "cheat" meal.
  • Pancakes and sausage!!! Enough said. I am going out to breakfast for some fantastic ones.

After this I am going to go back to the reset meals. I actually really liked week 1 and week 2 meals and am going to try to stick to them as closely as possible. There are so many different items I haven't even tried yet. I have hit a plateau right now where I don't want to try any more new foods. So I just need to eat healthy, clean and little normal and then I will try some more new things.

***Here is what I WISH I did on the reset:

  • Daily walk on my treadmill. The weather was so cold (or chilly for IL's May). I should have just said I am going to do a 20 minute walk daily.
  • Stretch-same thing I was so busy meal planning and prepping that I was exhausted. Every evening I should have taken 5 minutes to stretch

Today was the first day I woke up feeling off. I think this was due to the fact that I was up too late last night, then kids woke me up in the middle of the night and then kids woke me up early (story of a mom right)?

I weighed myself after eating and I was pleasantly surprised to see I had dropped little more weight. I am now down to 112.7. I feel this the most around my midsection. I am not losing weight anywhere else which is great because I don't want to. When I sit down 
my side love handles have smoothed out. I don't feel them anymore. 

  • 7:00 am ~ supplements & water
  • 7:30 am ~ Breakfast - day 17 fruit plate (watermelon and a peach) and a bowl of blueberries. Not hungry today but made myself eat. 

  • 10:00 am ~ throat little scratchy from being outside in the cold the last few nights from softball so made a nice tea with honey. It hit the spot. Remember, tea in between meals is allowed on the reset. You are supposed to drink organic tea but I had lipton green tea bags to use up and I wasn't going to just throw them away so I am using them up and then will buy organic tea.

  • 11:30 am ~ supplements & water
  • noon ~ salad lunch (after the picture I chopped off the green beans and threw them on the salad)

  • 3:00 pm ~ alkanize (just stir it really good, plug your nose and chug. I pretend it is chocolate milk). This is the worst part of the reset in my opinion.

  • 3:45 pm ~ Hmmm...Shakeology 1/2 scoop vegan chocolate with a small banana, 1 cup water and ice. I blend it till it is the consistency of a Wendy's frosty. Tastes better!!

  • 6:30 pm ~ My dinner was AMAZING!!!! I cannot wait to share this with you:
    • organic pasta sauce (nothing bad in it)
    • zoo-noodles (zucchini peeled in strips like spaghetti noodles boiled for 3-4 minutes in water). Carrots and broccoli with some lemon juice and water and steamed in the microwave.
    • Literally so fast and easy and unbelievably tasty and healthy
    • This was my own creation...not a reset meal

I was part of a lot of support boards and so many people had different view and attitudes about the program. There are those who followed it completely to a T the way it was written, others tailored the program and others quit. In the end, you have to do what works for you. The main goal is for you to improve your lifestyle and habits. That I DID!

Everyone's experience was unique too. Not two people had the same outcome. Some had bad side effects while others felt nothing. I am happy to report that I did not have anything out of the ordinary. My body feels rested and ready to resume a workout program. I am healthy and injury free. It was a great time off.

Another question I get asked already is "would I do this program again?" Yes, absolutely! I am not committing to anything but I can see an ideal time would be after a big vacation or cruise when you have overate and overdone. It would be a good time to reset. And ironic because my bathing suits came today! Here is a sneak peek of one of them? Funky and stylish, you think?

I hope you found this information useful!
xoxo Coach Kristina

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