Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ultimate Reset for a WORKING Person?

By now you have seen how I have been able to successfully pack up on the go while doing the Ultimate Reset but what if you are a working person? Are you able to give this a go and be able to do the program? The answer is YES! Today I am going to pretend that it is 5 years ago and I was still taking the train to Chicago for my job as an AVP in the Wealth Management Department at PNC. Here is how my day would go WHILE on the reset:

5:30 am ~ wake up & shower
5:50 am ~ take supplements & drink water
6:20 am ~ having waited the required 30 minutes before eating I would then eat whatever is on the menu for the week/day I am on. I would have prepped it all the night before to the extend possible.
6:30 am ~ grab my packed lunch, supplements and snacks (all prepped on Sunday and checked the night before going to bed) for the day
7:00 am ~ take the train from Bartlett to Chicago while sipping water and catching up on a magazine.
8:30 am ~ PEE because all the water will go straight to your bladder!
AVOID...lunchroom which always contained leftovers like bagels, donuts, etc.
11:30 am ~ take afternoon supplements and drink more water
noon~ either go out to lunch with clients (usually the norm) or eat a prepared salad at my desk or if a nice day outside 

The BIG question is how can you eat at a restaurant while on the reset? I initially freaked out thinking I couldn't but in my opinion it is actually so much easier to eat out. There is tons of variety and the chefs are usually accustomed to preparing "light" meals. Now, I am not talking about going to McD or Wendy's. Skip, skip, skip! I am talking about resturants like Cheesecake Factory (yes, you will have to avoid the temptations of cheesecake, of course) and you can even get creative and have fun and eat at Whole Foods. Tons of options!

I usually took the 4:30 train from Chicago which would get me in at 5:40 pm if I was lucky. So if this was the scenario my goal would be to take the supplements while in the car. Assuming I had a hubby, older child or someone at home who could have gotten dinner ready you will be ready to eat the minute you walked in the door (I wish I would have been more appreciative of all the nice dinners my hubby made me when I worked in Chicago, thank you S)! If you don't have someone to help you then you will need to have prepped the night before (and do your big prep on the weekend). You could have your menu written down, with the ingredients ready. Or you could have cooked them on Sunday and just re-heated it up when you got home.

When there is a will there is a way! So if you want this badly enough you can find a way to make this work!!! 

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