Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ultimate Reset ~ Day 14

It sure helps to start a Sunday with a fresh fridge full of food. I am glad I took yesterday to get the running around accomplished and now I can focus on eating some healthy, yummy groceries. 

Last night was the first night I slept bad since being on the reset. I don't know if it was from spending a lot of the day outdoors yesterday (allergies) or maybe coming down with a little cold. Either way, I have a canker sore in my mouth from all the fruits and the lemonade tasting detox drink so I am just not 100% today. I am sure as the day goes on though I will feel better. (NOTE: as the day went on I felt better so it must have just been allergies kicking in).

My weight held steady at 113 which I pleased me. I don't like to jump around on the scale too much. Consistency is better for me. Today is the last day of Phase 2!!!

While making the kids their breakfast of sausage and pancakes I drank my first of three detox drinks and took my morning optimize capsules.

Breakfast ~ starts off like all days in Phase 2 but today I had got to add some yummy pears to my morning fruit plate. Happy to see that Costco had a great selection.

I haven't talked about poop since earlier in the week. Since this is the detox week, I know people are curious if I spent extra time or made extra trips to the bathroom and the answer is NO! I wake up every morning ready to "go" but I didn't have any adverse side effects to the detox drink that I drank 3 times a day. It actually tasted good like lemonade and I honestly did not mind it at all.

Thank goodness I haven't had extra bathroom time because like every day we are for busy kids activities. Today we are off to a morning of swim lessons.

When we got home after everyone was hungry. I really found it helped to have prepared the majority of my salads for the week because then I just dump it all on a plate and eat. Before I could eat though I made the kids lunch and took my second detox drink of the day and drank water and waited 30 minutes. 

Sunday is turning into my big MEAL PREP day. My hubby is out of town all week for work and we have back to back activities so I need to wash, chop, cut and clean for the week. For meals for the kids I made some baked chicken and defrosted some sausage from the freezer. I also made a batch of zucchini/cashew soup for me and prepped green beans and brown rice for tonights dinner. The more I could do ahead of time the better.

After lunch we are off for a light walk around our neighborhood. I almost contemplated doing a Body Beast workout but I remembered I have one week left and then I can get back to my favorite program! You need to remember, even if you feel great, your body is going through an internal workout so you need to let it rest.

Upon arriving home the kids are ready for a snack and so am I! I take my alkalinize drink and more water and wait for 30 minutes before I can have today's snack of corn and berries.

Tonight, I really wanted to try to make a meal as close as possible to a day in the Phase 2 dinner section. I chose the brown rice, pinto beans (never had these before tonight), green beans and in lieu of the steamed zucchini I had a taste for the zucchini/cashew soup.  

Dinner was okay. The soup was great and even on a warm day it hit the spot. The brown rice and beans were little boring but I am proud I tried something new. And I realized I prefer frozen organic Costco green beans as oppose to Whole Foods fresh green beans.

 Happy to move on to Phase 3 tomorrow!!

AND if you are still reading this you will see how I rewarded myself for a great week. Fresh juicy watermelon that tasted better than the cookie. I needed it to just move on. Did it and done!

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