Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ultimate Reset ~ Day 18

Today is Day 18 and life feels great, only a few more days of the Ultimate Reset. I feel very reseted and my body is craving a workout. I will start back up on Monday, Memorial Day, as I will be officially off the reset. 

Thursday confessional...I got a little ahead of myself last night. I was hungry after dinner. What I normally do, while on the reset, is have a bowl of strawberries with a few chocolate chips melted (21 day fix approved...hmmm I think may be seeing another eating plan in my near future) and some watermelon. Anything that is a healthy choice.

Here is where you can LEARN from my mistake! Get up, do someone has else (don't keep watching Jane the Virgin until you are forced to pause it because a kid comes downstairs). I got distracted and thought oh an egg sandwich would be good (ultimate reset day 2 breakfast). I made it, ate it and regretted it. You may be asking why I regretted it? It is not because of the calories...if I am hungry I eat. The reason I regretted it is because I was distracted when I was eating. And I didn't listen to my body when I was full. 

In a way, I am glad I had this learning experience now BEFORE I know tomorrow I can just hit the reset button! And it makes me even more motivated This actually curbed some of my food to eat list. I don't know if I even really want them anymore. Learn and move on is what I like to say.

I'm excited because today my family and I have a trip planned to the zoo! I feel like I am in a zoo so it will be nice to see real animals lol.

My day started off like any other (except my kids are starting to get summer fever and are  ready for a break).

  • 7:00 am ~ supplements & water
  • 7:30 am ~ breakfast (since we are going to the zoo and doing lots of walking I chose to add in oatmeal with a fresh, ripe peach). 

  • noon ~ supplements & water
  • 12:30 ~ my salad

I prepped the night before (before my sandwich binge) and made a healthy salad for the road as well as the kids lunches. I always try to pack enough water and food so I am not making a desperate choice out of hunger. Preparation is my number one tip to being successful at whatever you put your mind too.
  • 2:00 pm ~ alkalinize 
  • 2:30 pm ~ celery with peanut butter

  • 4:30 ~ evening supplements & water
  • 5:30 ~ dinner OUT!!! Say what??!!!
I have had a few people interested in doing the Ultimate Reset in my next group but they were curious how my stomach handled a meal out after doing the reset. I have NOT had anything to eat that I have not shared pictures of since starting the reset. I have never been so disciplined with food in my life. 

Since I am just about wrapped up and I didn't feel like cooking tonight those people didn't have to pull my leg. So for those inquiring minds who wanted to know....We went to the new Smokin' BBQ Pit that opened in Bartlett. I have been dying to try it. So tonight I took the kids and we went there. This is a picture of the food as I ordered it. I got the baked potato with bacon and cheese (no butter), a pulled pork sandwich with sweet Texas bbq sauce, a cornbread, pink lemonade, cookie and brownie. No silly! That is not all for me. 

I ate all of the pulled pork sandwich and cornbread (a little dry) and it was delicious! I had a 1/4 of the baked potato and saved the rest. 

Now I bet you are wondering about dessert. Pre-reset I would have truthfully ate both the brownie and the cookie. Tonight, I split up the brownie in 5 bites (the kids all had the other bites) and took the littles bite. I had 1/2 of the cookie and saved the rest for later.

Huge accomplishment!!!

No ill side effects from eating out and eating food my stomach isn't accustomed to. No gassy stomach, nothing!

We then went on a long walk (about 5 miles) and enjoyed the beautiful fresh air. It felt fantastic to be out walking again (the weather is finally cooperating) and to enjoy an early summer night.

The old me would have come home and polished off the rest of the leftovers. Not now! I brushed my teeth and am jugging water. 

Beginning in June I am going to share my Friday Fitness "Get Organized" Tips! Stay tuned!!!

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