Sunday, May 24, 2015

Ultimate Reset ~ 3 Phases

The three phases of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset:


Phase One helps you balance your body's inner chemistry and prepare it for positive change.*


Phase Two helps you clear away the toxic materials that may be clogging your cells and polluting your tissues.*


Phase Three helps you tune your metabolism to maximum efficiency, while helping support your body to maintain future healthy performance.

It Only Takes 3 Weeks!

Help your body start fresh


Whether you're looking to finally get healthy and fit for the first time and know Beachbody Ultimate Reset™ is that first important step, or you want to optimize your stamina and metabolism to take your fitness regimen to the next level, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset can benefit you because it's optimized for all levels of health and fitness.
Beachbody Ultimate Reset is a unique program that helps people of all ages find relief from digestive problems, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol levels, asthma, arthritis, depression, and inflammatory conditions. It has also helped active individuals get even more out of their workouts because it restores the body and makes it more efficient.

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