Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ultimate Reset ~ Day 11

Day 11 of the Beachbody Ultimate Reset...still in Phase 2. You might be wondering why this is a big deal to me? Well there are a lot of reasons.

  • First, previously, I had not tried even a fraction of these foods I am eating on the reset. I hope to incorporate these foods into lifestyle after the reset. 
  • Even more importantly I am liking them!! Yes, that's right!
  • I am trying to lead my kids by example. If I don't eat it will they? NOPE.
  • I want to help others and inspire them to try new things.
  • Last, I am giving my body a reset from the toxins I have put in my body.  
Confession: last night I had two strawberries and melted a few chocolate chips. This used to be my nightly snack. Proud I only had a few and then was satisfied. It was delicious!!! Remember, my objective of this reset is to not deprive or starve myself in anyway. I am making good, clean choices!

A lot of people have wondered how I keep track of what to do during the day or if they could do this away from home. I highly recommend scheduling appointments on your calendar or phone. I love my iPhone calendar because it gives me alerts. 

I am start to feeling little like I am in the movie Groundhog Day. My days are so similar and I absolutely love to eat all the same food over and over. I will continue to share what I make but I thought I could dig little deeper into what the program is and what the "secret ingredients" are.

Have you wondered why I am not following the Ultimate Reset meal plan booklet to a T? The recipes and instructions are easy to follow. However, a lot of these items and ingredients are foreign to me. Each person is different and the person I spoke to yesterday  about beginning the reset was already eating 1/2 these things. So for them it would be easier to follow these recipes. ME...I am a kitchen newbie. I am still learning about cooking veggies and ingredients. 

A question I was asked was if someone is already eating clean would this program still be beneficial to them? The answer is YES! Everyone's system, no matter how clean still has toxins and could use a reset. These supplements have been carefully designed by experts and will make your body function at an optimal level.

Here is a picture of what I am supposed to eat on Day 11 (see the booklet below). I am trying use up everything in the fridge and freezer (for the kids) before I go to the grocery store. This is to help prevent waste of food that is lurking further back and to use up some of the items I have previously made and froze. In that sense, I am actually saving money on the reset because I have eliminated some weekly ice cream and donut trips and have not had to purchase excessive groceries.

A big part of the reset is to eat fruit. I love fruit! I used it to eat it like it was going out of style. Did you know that there are fruits that are lower in sugar and others that are higher? Before I did the reset I didn't know there was a difference. On the reset, you are supposed to eat fruit that is lower in sugar. 

I am doing a really good job in choosing lower sugar fruit. I gave up bananas for the first week and 1/2. Now, I am choosing to mix a small banana in with my 1/2 dose of Shakeology that I am having for a snack. I have to be honest...before I started the reset I would never haven chosen chocolate Shakeology. My favorite was Greenberry. I think that by eliminating sweets for 8 days I helped re-align my taste buds. Before I started the reset I was on a mad hunt for something to cure my insatiable sweet tooth. Things didn't taste right and just didn't taste as sweet as I hoped. I think I was so hooked on sugar that I couldn't even taste what was good anymore. 

Here is a list of fruits and their sugar levels. *Information obtained from Sugar Fruit

Fruits Low to Medium in Sugar

Fruits in this category include blueberries, cantaloupes, casaba melon, watermelons, nectarines, papaya, peaches and strawberries. These are the best choices for anyone working to lose weight and stick to a carbohydrate restricted diet plan. Other choices include apples, grapefruit, honeydew melons, guavas and apricots.

High Sugar Fruits

Fruits fairly high in sugar

Those include oranges, kiwifruit, pears, pineapple and plums. Pineapples and plums are commonly dried and are a popular snack food.

Fruits very high in sugar

Fruits in this category are cherries, grapes, figs, bananas, mangos, figs, tangerines and pomegranates. Dried fruits, including dates, raisins, apricots and prunes, are very high in sugar content.

In case you are wondering what I ate today:

  • Supplements ~ took at 6:45 am while getting read for the day. It helps to do this before I come downstairs for the day. Waffles and pancakes are not tempting when I am properly hydrated. 
  • Breakfast ~ a delicious fruit plate around 7:30 am

  • Supplements ~ mineralize water, optimize pills and detox packet in water
  • Lunch ~ noon. Another delicious salad. The reset pretty much calls for salads almost every day. I pre-made this morning so I wouldn't be tempted when I had my sister and her daughters over. I made chicken parmesan and zucchini pumpkin bread for them. Oh I wanted this!!
See the tempting meal I made my sister in the middle! I didn't have even one bite!
  • Supplements~I took my alkalize little early today. The reason is because I have softball games for my daughters tonight and I need to have time to have dinner before I go to the game.
  • Snack ~ my heavenly chocolate Shakeology. My hubby laughed when I compared my shake to Oberweis. He said my taste buds have indeed changed.
  • Supplement ~ 30 minutes before dinner I take 2 pills of optimize, 8 oz of water with mineralize and a detox drink.
  • Dinner ~ It is my first time having baked squash. HELP! Any didn't cook fast. I have to re-cook it tomorrow. 
I am adding the quinoa-pilaf (8 servings was a lot to make when my kids won't touch Thankfully I don't mind having the same food over and over), and veggie miso soup. 

I packed my soup and quinoa and took it with me to softball.

I may have looked silly at softball with soup and a bowl of grains but at least I ate it all up before we sat in the pouring rain!
  • Snack ~ after sitting in the rain at softball for the last two hours I am exhausted and hungry. Our old tradition would be to go out for ice cream. Not tonight. Because I am drinking so much water I needed to come home and PEE so bad. I needed something in my belly all night so I choose an apple with natural peanut butter (remember, pb is my add on and not on the reset phase 2). I still need that fat so I am not choosing to remove from my diet.

If you want to know what I am now really struggling with is what to do when the 21 days are over. I found out there are different options:

  1. Go back to life as normal, donuts, pizza, tacos, etc...what will this give me? A stomache and a waste of money and my hard work these last three weeks.
  2. Slowly transition my old type of "normal" food back in my diet while still eating the favorites I have tried.
  3. Purchase an Ultimate Reset maintenance kit and begin the transition plan suggested by Beachbody.
Curious to know what I decided and why? Check back tomorrow!! 

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